Adwa Victory Day 2024: Date, History, Significance

Adwa Victory Day is a national holiday and is observed on March 2 every year in Ethiopia. The day marks Ethiopia’s victory over Italy in the year 1896. Citizens pay tribute to their ancestors who supported present-day Ethiopians to ensure their independence from European rule by reaching into the streets, having parades, and telling old tales.


Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II signed the Treaty of Wuchale with Italy in 1889.

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Year Date Day
2024 March 2 Saturday
2025 March 2 Sunday
2026 March 2 Monday
2027 March 2 Tuesday
2028 March 2 Thursday



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What is the Adwa?

Adwa is the name of a town in northern Ethiopia. It witnessed the battle between the Ethiopians and the Italians.

How is Adwa Victory Day celebrated?

On this day, government officials, patriots, diplomats, and the general public gather for parades at Menelik Square in Addis Ababa.

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